+603 2603 7700
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Social Enterprise Financing Scheme banner

Social Enterprise Financing Scheme

Social Enterprise Financing Scheme (SEFS) is a financial assistance aimed at Basic Social Enterprises and Accredited Social Enterprises recognized by Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (MECD) to finance the acquisition of asset and/or working capital requirements.


  • Machinery / equipment acquisition

  • Working Capital requirements including financing of guarantee fee, documentation and stamp duty fees, and Takaful contribution (if applicable)


  • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as defined by SME Corporation Malaysia (SME Corp).

  • Registered with KUSKOP as Basic Social Enterprise and/or Accredited Social Enterprise with documented evidence.

  • The Company has been in operations for at least one (1) year.

Financing Facility(ies)

  • Commodity Murabahah Term Financing-i (CMTF-i)

  • Cash Line-i (CL-i)

  • Revolving Credit-i (RC-i)

  • Ijarah Thummal Bai’ (ITB) Financing

Financing Limit

  • Minimum : RM100,000.00

  • Maximum : RM500,000.00

Profit Rate

Micro and Small Enterprise Medium Enterprise
3.0% fixed per annum (reducing balance) 4.0% fixed per annum (reducing balance)

Margin of Financing

  • Machinery / Equipment : 

    Segments Margin of Financing
    Micro and Small Enterprise
    • New: Up to 90%
    • Used/Refurbished/Recond: Up to 80%
    Medium Enterprise
    • New: Up to 80% (for new)
    • Used/Refurbished/Recond: Up to 70%


  • Working Capital :  Up to 100%

Financing Tenure

  • Machinery / Equipment : 

    • New : Up to 7 years

    • Used / Refurbish / Recond : Up to 5 years

  • Working Capital :  Up to 5 years


Purpose of Financing Description
Machinery / Equipment Specific debenture on asset being financed.
Working Capital 5% cash collateral to be deducted from the approved financing amount prior to utilization of the facility.


  • Takaful / insurance coverage is mandatory if the asset is given as security for the financing (if applicable). You have the option to select the service offered by our panel Takaful operators or non-panel Takaful operators.

Product Disclosure Sheet

Any further enquiries, please contact our Customer Contact Centre at 03-2603 7700 or email

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